Friday, September 21, 2007

Check out these cakes!

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We were at a wedding this past weekend that had the best cakes I'd ever seen at a wedding. The bride and groom like to travel, and each cake was dedicated to somewhere they had been together. Here's the Baha cake. It was my favorite. Blake and Drew loved the Antartica cake because it had penguins -- edible penguins! Click on one of the photos to link to the rest. There were 5 cakes.

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Thursday, September 20, 2007

"Picking" apples

How bad did the April frost hurt the apple crop? On Drew's field trip, we went to the apple farm to pick apples. We "picked" apples out of a box under a tree. AND the apples were from northern Illinois. Heads up to Mills Apple Farm for keeping the orchard open for school tours and importing apples, so the kids could go home with a bag of them. You could also buy apple cidar -- from Peoria.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Corny fun

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We visited the Godfrey Maze about two weeks ago. This year it has a Western theme. There's two paths you can take and if you can answer quiz questions (we chose the pop culture ones), you can get clues about which way to go. They give you a flag to hold up if you get lost. One of the "wranglers" comes to help you out. We did both mazes in about an hour without getting lose. We played in the corn pit (think sand pit, only with corn) and the corn kernals get everywhere! We also road the cow train and shot the corn cannon. A great time if you have a chance to visit it this fall. Click on one of the pictures to see more.

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Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Drew starts school

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Interview with a 3-year-old:
Drew (running up to me when I picked him up): When we got to class, they handed out Guessing Buckets to some boys. You get to bring your guessing buckets home.
Me: What do you do when you get them home?
Drew: Nothing. You just have to guess what's inside.
Me: Okay. How was school today?
Drew: Good. We had snack goldfish and teddy grahams. And juice.
Me: What was your favorite part of school?
D: Playing in the gym.
Me: Who'd you eat lunch with?
D: Alan Busse sat across from me. I sat by Alexa when I colored. And Danny sat at the table, too.
Me: Did you make any new friends.
D: Well, I don't know there names yet. But there was another Mitchell (Blake also has a friend named Mitchell). But he wasn't the same as Mitchell. He had weak teeth (giggling).
Me: Weak teeth?
D: Yeah (giggling). He had weak teeth.
Me: What do you mean weak teeth?
D: He had weak teeth (still giggling).
Me: Weak teeth?
D: They were purple. (still giggling)
Me: OKayyyyy ...

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Drive-in visit

I brilliantly didn't bring my camera, but the kids made their first visit to a Drive-In movie theater on Saturday. We saw Underdog. It was cute, the kids liked it. "There's no need to fear, Underdog is here!" or Drew's favorite: "There's no need to fear, Underwear is here!" That was in the "bloopers" during the credits. The kids went to sleep after that movie, and Scott and I saw Hot Rod. 2 hours of our lives we'll never get back. We went to the Litchfield Skyview Drive-In. We popped the hatch on our Honda Pilot and all piled in the back to watch the movies.
Only $2 a person to get in (under 5 was free so Drew got in for nothing) and the Snack Bar was reasonably price. We only spent $16.90 the whole night. That was for 2 movies, a tub of popcorn, a box of gummy bears, a bag of peanut M&Ms, a soda and 2 waters. Not bad!
Hopefully, it won't be their last visit to a Drive-In. The Skyview Drive-In in Belleville is up for sale. As far as I know, the Litchfield one plans to stay open. Next time, I'll bring a camera!