We visited Grant's Farm today. Blake and Drew really enjoyed feeding the goats bottles and running through the mist. We saw some giant Tortoises - Blake found out they were 12 and 7 years old - and 2 African elephants named Bud and Mickey. We fed camels and llamas. Ask Blake how camel food taste. And we also saw a show that had macaws who could talk, perform math tricks and throw a baseball. The best thing about Grant's Farm for any adult who's never been there, two free adult beverages of your choice (as long as it's a Budweiser product) at the hospitality room.

Blake enjoys the spray.

I swear we feed this kid even though all of his ribs
are showing. In fact, he eats more than Blake!

These goats can't get enough of Drew.

Blake got a kick out of the goats,too.

"Don't eat my shirt," Drew shrieked.
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