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Interview with a 3-year-old:
Drew (running up to me when I picked him up): When we got to class, they handed out Guessing Buckets to some boys. You get to bring your guessing buckets home.
Me: What do you do when you get them home?
Drew: Nothing. You just have to guess what's inside.
Me: Okay. How was school today?
Drew: Good. We had snack goldfish and teddy grahams. And juice.
Me: What was your favorite part of school?
D: Playing in the gym.
Me: Who'd you eat lunch with?
D: Alan Busse sat across from me. I sat by Alexa when I colored. And Danny sat at the table, too.
Me: Did you make any new friends.
D: Well, I don't know there names yet. But there was another Mitchell (Blake also has a friend named Mitchell). But he wasn't the same as Mitchell. He had weak teeth (giggling).
Me: Weak teeth?
D: Yeah (giggling). He had weak teeth.
Me: What do you mean weak teeth?
D: He had weak teeth (still giggling).
Me: Weak teeth?
D: They were purple. (still giggling)
Me: OKayyyyy ...